The Beckham Law is a tax regime originally created to attract footballers like David Beckham to Spain. While playing for Real Madrid,  Beckham was able to pay only non-resident tax on his Spanish income rather

'Can family members work, either within Spain or for employers abroad' is a common question in our Facebook group.  Under Spain's new Digital Nomad Visa, you can take your partner, children or dependent parents with

Are you ready to start your new life in Spain as a digital nomad? This post will show you how to get the new Spanish Digital Nomad Visa in four steps. Step 1: Figure out

One of the most common questions we get asked, especially since the pandemic, is if a UK limited company can be run from Spain.The answer is yes, but there are some grey areas which have

If you're reading this, chances are you're dreaming of spending your evenings on the beaches of Spain while remotely hitting your targets at work. While Spain's new Digital Nomad Visa has made your dream

Although Spain's new Digital Nomad Visa was introduced in December 2022 as part of the new Startup Law, it's still not clear how things will work in terms of taxes. The internet is full of conflicting information,